chessboard.c - OpenLearning
// by Sabrina Rispin
// Activity Section: 5
// Date: 11/4/15
// Description: 

 *  chessboard.c
 *  create a 512x512 BMP of a chessboard, with user specified size (in pixels)
 *  of the black and white squares on the board.  bottom right square must be white.
 *  Created by Richard Buckland on 14/04/11, edited 5/4/14
 *  Licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#define PIX_PER_METRE 2835
#define MAGIC_NUMBER 0x4d42
#define OFFSET 54
#define DIB_HEADER_SIZE 40
#define NUM_COLORS 0
#define SIZE 512
#define BMP_FILE "chess.bmp"
typedef unsigned char  bits8;
typedef unsigned short bits16;
typedef unsigned int   bits32;
void writeHeader (FILE *file);
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
    // check that the types have the size i'm relying on here
    assert (sizeof(bits8)  == 1);
    assert (sizeof(bits16) == 2);
    assert (sizeof(bits32) == 4);
    FILE *outputFile;
    int squareSize;
    outputFile = fopen(BMP_FILE, "wb");
    assert ((outputFile!=NULL) && "Cannot open file");
    printf ("Enter square size (must be a factor of %d): \n", SIZE);
    scanf ("%d", &squareSize);
    assert (SIZE % squareSize == 0); 
    int numBytes = (SIZE * SIZE * BYTES_PER_PIXEL);
    int pos = 0;
    int xChange = 0;
    int yChange = 0;
    bits8 byte = 0;
    while (pos < numBytes) {
        if (xChange == squareSize*BYTES_PER_PIXEL) {
            byte = 255 - byte;
            xChange = 0;

        if (yChange == squareSize*BYTES_PER_PIXEL*SIZE) {
            byte = 255 - byte;
            yChange = 0;

        if (squareSize == SIZE) {
            byte = 255;

        fwrite (&byte, sizeof byte, 1, outputFile);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
void writeHeader (FILE *file) {
    assert(sizeof (bits8) == 1);
    assert(sizeof (bits16) == 2);
    assert(sizeof (bits32) == 4);
    bits16 magicNumber = MAGIC_NUMBER;
    fwrite (&magicNumber, sizeof magicNumber, 1, file);
    bits32 fileSize = OFFSET + (SIZE * SIZE * BYTES_PER_PIXEL);
    fwrite (&fileSize, sizeof fileSize, 1, file);
    bits32 reserved = 0;
    fwrite (&reserved, sizeof reserved, 1, file);
    bits32 offset = OFFSET;
    fwrite (&offset, sizeof offset, 1, file);
    bits32 dibHeaderSize = DIB_HEADER_SIZE;
    fwrite (&dibHeaderSize, sizeof dibHeaderSize, 1, file);
    bits32 width = SIZE;
    fwrite (&width, sizeof width, 1, file);
    bits32 height = SIZE;
    fwrite (&height, sizeof height, 1, file);
    bits16 planes = NUMBER_PLANES;
    fwrite (&planes, sizeof planes, 1, file);
    bits16 bitsPerPixel = BITS_PER_PIXEL;
    fwrite (&bitsPerPixel, sizeof bitsPerPixel, 1, file);
    bits32 compression = NO_COMPRESSION;
    fwrite (&compression, sizeof compression, 1, file);
    bits32 imageSize = (SIZE * SIZE * BYTES_PER_PIXEL);
    fwrite (&imageSize, sizeof imageSize, 1, file);
    bits32 hResolution = PIX_PER_METRE;
    fwrite (&hResolution, sizeof hResolution, 1, file);
    bits32 vResolution = PIX_PER_METRE;
    fwrite (&vResolution, sizeof vResolution, 1, file);
    bits32 numColors = NUM_COLORS;
    fwrite (&numColors, sizeof numColors, 1, file);
    bits32 importantColors = NUM_COLORS;
    fwrite (&importantColors, sizeof importantColors, 1, file);

Download file: chessboard.c (3.5 KB)

