runGame.c - OpenLearning
// Aperture Game Development
// runGame.c - allows user to test our game.c

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "Game.h"

#define WINKPI 150

action decideAction(void);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
	int inpActionCode = 1;
	path inpDestination;
	int inpDiscFrom;
	int inpDiscTo;

	action move;

	Game g (int discipline[], int dice[]);
	currentPlayer = getWhoseTurn(g);

	while(getKPIpoints(g, currentPlayer) <150) {
		int diceScore = rollDice();
		move = decideAction();
		while(move.actionCode != PASS) {
			assert(isLegalAction(g, move) == TRUE);
			if(move.actionCode == START_SPINOFF) {
				int randNum = rand();
				int rand3 = (randNum % 3);
				if ((rand3 == 0) || (rand3 == 1)) {
					int finalAction = OBTAIN_PUBLICATION;
				} else {
					int finalAction = OBTAIN_IP_PATENT;
				move.actionCode = finalAction;
			makeAction(g, move);
			move = decideAction();
	// increment turn
// free memory that was malloc'd

action decideAction(void) {
	action move;
	printf("Type in your action code\n");
	scanf("%d", &inpActionCode);
	printf("Type in your destination\n");
	scanf("%s", &inpDestination);
	printf("Type in your discFrom\n");
	scanf("%d", &inpDiscFrom);
	printf("Type in your discTo\n");
	scanf("%d", &inpDiscTo);
	move.actionCode = inpActionCode;
	move.destination = inpDestination;
	move.disciplineFrom = inpDiscFrom;
	move.disciplineTo = inpDiscTo;
	return move;

int rollDice(void) {
	int randNum = rand();
	int answer = (randNum % 11) + 2;
	return answer;

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