Time Management - OpenLearning

Sabrina Rispin





Calendar With Blogs and Submissions


Time management as an individual is hard to achieve and I have personally found that it is easier said than done. Planning is necessary for anything to get done on time and that is the only reason I havn't submitted anything late (though some are submitted just on time). I have found that my individual time management has improved but in terms of group work it was hard to get things done early because you must rely on others (reflected above as all the later weeks were group activities/assignments). In future I hope to improve my team communication and hence help the group get stuff done on time.


All Claims

1. Completed all activites on time

2. All lectures watched on time

3. All assignments submitted on time

4. Major projects submissions on time

5. Planning and reflection

6. Excecution of planning

7. On time tutorial attendance

8. Contribution to class notes

9. On time, quality code review


1. All activities are done on time

Claim: I completed most activities early, if not then they were on time

Summary: I have completed all of the activities before the deadline every single week.


  • Link to my Current Progress Page - This lists all of my activity submissions and their dates (on time).
  • Calendar above underlines all late activities (of which there are none - excluding revision and challenges)

Blogging about Activities:

  • (0(Due Mar 6, Submitted Feb 28) - My recipe confusion activity.
  • (0) (1) Tut-Lab - Some activities completed  with my lab partner here (yes, also on time).

Module Activities blogs - I blogged about all of the weeks activities (before due date). If there is no blog I will link the submission for proof.


2. All lectures watched on time

Claim: Every lecture watched early every week.

Summary: I have watched all of the lectures and blogged about them every week a whole week before the deadline.


  • (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (QW) (10) Lecture Blogs with my notes for each Module - Some early ones might only reference some of the lectures. Watched religiously every Wednesday when the lectures come out (see Calendar).
  • Lecture 19 Class notes (Due Mar 27, Submitted Mar 26) - I added to the notes (having seen the lecture).
  • Comment on lecture videos - Only one comment :( Need to do more!


3. All Assignments Submitted on time

Claim: Every assignment is submitted on time.

Summary: I have submitted all assignments (individual and group) on time.



4. On Time submissions to the Major Project

Claim: All of my contributions to the major project were on time.

Summary: I submitted all of my components and functions well before the due date and often helped others to submit on time


See the page histories of the major project components below, they show that all of our first submissions were on time and many more after that were made on time for different testing rounds.

My Contributions - below are blogs (made well before the due date) of my function contributions - on time as well as helping others be on time


5. Evidence of Planning and Reflection

Claim: I have continually evaluated, reflected and improved my time management throughout the course.

Summary: I have personally evaluated my time management schedule, refleced continually on what happened throughout the week and re-evaluated my time management throughout the course.


Below are my Comp schedules and reflections on previous time management, my plan for Task 2B and reflections from every week.


6. Additional Evidence of Time/Project Management

Claim: I have excecuted my plans/team plans

Summary: I have maintained a steady computing schedule as well as submitted team project segments on time.

Evidence: As above in Planning and Reflection


Claim: On time tutorial Lab attendance every week

Summary: Tut-lab reflections almost every week as well as complete Tut-Lab attendance evidence

Evidence: Link to attendence and image below (just in case)




Claim: Contributed to class notes thoroughly and on time

Summary: I was the first to submit to our tut class notes and added a thorogh summary of the lecture (19)

EvidenceLecture 19 Class notes (Due Mar 27, Submitted Mar 26)


Claim: Gave a quality code review in the first week

Summary: Amelia and I were the first group to volunteer for code review and completed the necessary activity on time for the review


